Well, I didn't realize that it was practically the entire summer that I was out of commission! I did not do a good job of making myself (or my relationship with God) a priority this summer. No excuses!! I didn't do it and I have suffered the consequences of time away from God. I didn't even finish the Proverbs 31 study material, but as they say, all good things must come to an end.
These are my goals over the next couple of weeks: to finish the Proverbs 31 study material, get back into my morning routine of TAG (time alone with God), and to get my house in order. Being home all summer with four kids has proven too much for my newly acquired organizational skills learned with Donna Partow.
As for my weight loss, I have made small progress towards my goal. I have lost a total of 9.4 lbs since July 1, towards my total goal of 25 lbs. That leaves me with about 15 lbs to go. I am really expecting to pass the 10 lb loss mark before September 1, that will have been 2 months. Slow and steady wins the race! It truly is a lifestyle change. My healthy life goals are: have 2-3 servings of dairy per day, having 4-6 servings of fruits/vegetables per day, adding whole grains to my diet, drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day, and getting some good exercise 3-5 times per week. I also am limiting my fat intake, but found that if I limit it too much, I cause my body to go into a protective mode that causes me to retain fat for future use (thanks to a fitness expert that visited my ladies group at church). I've allowed a little more fat into my diet the last two weeks and have seen better progress.
Summer has been good, but not as active and adventurous as previous summers. For that reason, I think we all got on each other's nerves a bit too much. Although the older two kids were a little nervous about going back to school today, it was a relief for me. I need this routine to keep me sane :) All in all, it was not a total loss, but lessons learned for next year.
I am taking your suggestions for the next Bible Study series! If you know of something that would be good information to share or something you've enjoyed and would like a refresher, feel free to send it to me.